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You searched for: cars

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A man at the Registry of Motor Vehicles is told he can't use an avatar for his driver's license photo.
  • Male moose drives sports car to compensate for his small antlers.
  • Car man is excited by wife's new edible auto bra.
  • Road less traveled inspired by poor internet directions.
  • Crash test dummy dog has accident at crash test dummies' home.
  • Dad says son can have the car keys but not the car.
  • Possum Country Safari ends up with lots of dead opossums.
  • City tries bad idea of turning all stoplights green for St. Patrick's Day.
  • Doctor changes oil by giving it therapy.
  • A dating service matches people up based on their car seat and mirror adjustments.
  • Mechanic surprised to see tin man come in for an oil change.
  • Small miracles of the Christmas season.

You searched for: cars