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You searched for: wellness

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Godzilla needs to stop eating Mercury cars.
  • An ancient Egyptian cracks a woman's back.
  • A monkey watches The Wizard of Oz and thinks he can fly.
  • Bats go to a faith healer to become blind again.
  • A chicken psychic predicts that another chicken will excel in health care, and later the chicken becomes soup and helps with a man's cold.
  • Fish surgeon doctor wants to save the patient in hospital, but doesn't want to be wasteful, so he tells colleague to go get tartar sauce, just in case.
  • Patient at Dr. Grays Voodoo Acupuncture tells doctor that he feels better as doctor stabs needles into a voodoo doll that resembles the patient.
  • Doctor offers patient business card for a knee surgeon, who happens to be the doctor's brother, before he tests the patient's reflexes with a mallet.
  • Doctor tells patient according to tests, his diet is butterflies, bees, horseflies, and dragonflies, while patient makes mental note close mouth when riding bike.

You searched for: wellness