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You searched for: laptop

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Caveman asks if clearing the browser history would fix computer but other says there isn’t any.
  • Depressed cat feels like it’s missing out compared to cellphone’s social media status updates of cats napping.
  • Woman accidentally sends nasty response email to boss instead of deleting it.
  • People love funny cat behavior videos while cats are horrified by online videos of humans.
  • Man’s laptop inappropriately complements his soft and soothing fingertips.
  • Dog husband is frustrated by wife with laptop in bed wearing sign that says “Working, Do Not Pet.”
  • Santa using laptop rates kids’ cookies online from one to five stars.
  • Santa with laptop computer ordered sexy Santa suit with skirt, fishnet stockings and high heel boots from website by mistake.
  • The Wizard of Oz likes Tinman’s Twitter post to give him a heart.
  • Dinosaur on laptop checks why meteor is trending on Twitter.
  • Lit firework uses online symptom checker to look up burning sensation on behind.
  • Butterfly is embarrassed by larvae baby photos mom posts online.

You searched for: laptop