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You searched for: cinema

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  • Dogs get emotional about the scene in Old Mother Hubbard where the cupboard is bare and there's no bone for the dog.
  • Sean Penn wears a costume at a Disney park, but he gets angry at photographers and can't keep the job.
  • Oranges come out of the movie theater after watching Pulp Fiction.
  • Devils go to a movie called 101 Damnations.
  • Julie Andrews dies because the hills are alive and eat her.
  • Bugs reenact Lauren Bacall noir movies.
  • Woman taking medicine labeled "Take Only As Directed" is following director's orders to take out one pill, then fill glass with water.
  • Grapes line up outside of movie theater to watch "The Wrath of Grapes," and "Planet of the Grapes."

You searched for: cinema