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You searched for: wellness

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Columbus tries to travel around his mother's uterus.
  • Humpty Dumpty goes to a reconstructive surgeon.
  • A man asks a woman at a bar "How are you'" and she talks too much.
  • A surgeon gives a man a bag of leftovers after his operation.
  • A baby conehead is born with a round head.
  • A snail's insurance doesn't cover acts of Todd.
  • Hearing a drug's side effects will make you lose your appetite.
  • A doctor doesn't understand why a woman is upset about eating rat poison, because she's not a rat.
  • A pretzel goes into a chiropractor and comes out a pretzel stick.
  • People get ailments associated with their electronics.
  • A woman's cat latches onto her hand and gets stuck when she tries to give it a belly rub.
  • A woman gets an ultrasound and her unborn child is holding a sign that says "No more chili."

You searched for: wellness