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You searched for: store

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  • Self checkouts at the grocery store exchange gossip.
  • Saleswoman targets Spongebob's complexion for pore concealer.
  • Santa admires expensive sacks in the window display of Sacks Fifth Avenue.
  • Turkeys hate walking through the basting section of the department store.
  • Repair man does some shelf improvement next to self improvement.
  • Four magnetic strips on credit cards make customers confident they are swiping in right direction.
  • One dog year equals seven years so store can minimize bad luck from broken mirrors.
  • Opticians worry customers who need glasses are not able to see the store.
  • Nick is so popular he has his own section of cards in store.
  • Monsters like to eat well seasoned herbal remedy customers.
  • Builder feels wrong about brick and mortar from online store.
  • Hockey goalie insists lost catching glove is his even though it doesn't match the other glove.

You searched for: store