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You searched for: cinema

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  • Forks watch a horror movie where a fork goes into a toaster.
  • Beanie Babies go to a horror movie about a beanbag chair.
  • People who went to a remastered version of Slap Shot come out with bruises from the hockey pucks.
  • Ice cubes in a woman's drink like Titanic because the water wins.
  • A mysterious creature once lived in the floor of movie theaters and ate black jujubes.
  • Dust mite horror movies have feather dusters in them.
  • A carrot in a horror movie goes into a room with a peeler in it.
  • A cat is mad at his date for bringing him to a foreign film captioned in meows.
  • Grains of wheat watch a horror movie called Shredded Wheat.
  • Consumers disregard packaging warnings.
  • A container of Milk Duds has explosives that aren't "duds."
  • A vulcan dad tells his kid not to be scared because the green blood in the movie is guacamole instead of real blood.

You searched for: cinema