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You searched for: wireless

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Aliens are able to abduct people because they think they are Pokémon.

  • Man has trouble remembering screennames, but remembers profile pics.

  • Chicken crossed the road playing Pokémon Go.
  • Tangle Fairy comes at night to tangle up headphone wires.
  • Phone gets right to remain in silent mode when getting arrested.
  • hairless cat, legless lizard, flightless bird, and mindless doofus all go without something.
  • Crackle and Pop are jealous wives are spending so much time on Snapchat.
  • Aliens demand to be taken to wifi.
  • Romance was counted by stars in the sky, but now counted by cat videos on the Internet.
  • Sun casts shadow on beach taking selfie.
  • Fish's smartphone tells him the school of fish traffic jam clears up at predator's mouth.
  • Even with heads in the sand, ostriches still take selfie.

You searched for: wireless