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You searched for: talk

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A pill socializes with a man because it's socialized medicine.
  • A female bee is bored at a party when a drone keeps talking at her.
  • A kangaroo mom tells her daughter to use her inside voice.
  • The FCC orders a talk radio station to change its sign to yell radio.
  • A few examples of disclaimers found on MTV shows.
  • A bell patient complains to doctor about hearing talking in its ears.
  • Cat on phone has trouble speaking with fur in mouth after bath.
  • Spider thinks he caught a fly but it is only his vibrating cell phone shaking the web.
  • A family uses their anytime mobile cell phone minutes to talk to the past and the future.
  • An unproductive group therapy discussion group made up Silent Pop Culture Characters
  • A woman's phone makes an impression in her face when she crashes her car.
  • A hot dog is striped by the grill after Labor Day.

You searched for: talk