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You searched for: defense

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A chameleon mother looks for her kids, who changed color to blend into the living room.
  • A lawyer interrogates the monkey from Pop Goes the Weasel.
  • A judge refuses to excuse indecent exposure because a lawyer's client is from the show me state.
  • The owners of a castle finish their moat, but then crocodiles attack.
  • Meek inherit the earth but then the bold hire lawyers who tie up ownership in court cases.
  • A lawyer defends his client by claiming he had to murder his wife because she was a morning person.
  • A lawyer accuses Gumby of killing Pokey.
  • Charlie Brown has to defend himself in court after beating up Lucy for taking his ball away again.
  • A dog says the evidence he shed all over a couch is only circumstantial.
  • Henrietta Hen finds herself in the midst of a custody battle.
  • Lex Luthor becomes a lawyer to finally get the best of Superman.
  • A nerd wears a bully-proof vest to school.

You searched for: defense