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You searched for: choice

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A dog goes to hell.
  • Charlie Brown has to choose which shirt to wear in the morning.
  • Cat hell includes options such as kids with doll clothes, silent can openers, and a room of rocking chairs.
  • A dog in a pet store makes a sign that says "Piddles on Rugs" with an arrow pointing at the dog next to him.
  • A baby goes to a consultant to better manipulate its parents.
  • A camper hangs his food up, so woodland animals eat him instead.
  • The choices for how to spend eternity in hell are painful situations.
  • A slug orders a margarita without salt.
  • A seminar called The Art of Decision Making has two entrances.
  • A woman buys her cat a Deluxe Kitty Bed, but the cat sleeps in the box it came in instead.
  • A salt shaker's parents don't understand why he wants to date another salt shaker instead of a pepper shaker.
  • A police detective looks at a poorly-drawn chalk outline, wondering if the murder victim was in bad shape or if the new chalk-outliner did a bad job.

You searched for: choice