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You searched for: old

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  • Stale fortune cookies reveal fortunes that apply to the past.
  • Discouraging birthday card tells fish he's old enough to be cooked and eaten.
  • Cashier offers mom the option of buying teenager a Sullen Meal.
  • Ghost compliments the disrepair of friend's home.
  • Aging Batman rides motorized Bat Rascal scooter to chase thief.
  • An overachieving boy scout helps others cross lines.
  • Old woman looking to buy a new shoe home considers a bowling shoe rental instead.
  • Whoever catches the traditional thrown spatula will be the next to convince his wife he needs a new grill.
  • Woman turns cake with a ninety-one upside down to be a sixteen.
  • A fish gets his wife a birthday message made of other fish, but a carnivorous fish eats part of it and makes him look mean.
  • Mayfly doctor tells patient it is in good health and may live to see another day.
  • An elderly M&M's m-shaped breasts become w's because they're saggy.

You searched for: old