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You searched for: cinema

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cats watch a cat version of the Matrix.
  • Pumpkins watch a horror movie about Peter Pumpkin Eater.
  • Cats watch a cat version of Dirty Harry.
  • Silence of the Lambs 3 is about mime sheep.
  • Snowmen watch Bugs Bunny eat a carrot in a horror movie.
  • Zombies watch a horror movie about people who die and stay dead.
  • Cakes watch a horror movie where a woman bursts out of a cake.
  • People go to a movie called Hairy Potter about a hairy man who does gardening.
  • Frosty the Snowman stars in Fargo 2.
  • Movie theaters in New Orleans now offer a spouse locator system using voodoo.
  • Sharks love Titanic because it has a happy ending to them.
  • The Phantom Menace is a crossover between Dennis the Menace and Phantom of the Opera.

You searched for: cinema