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Turkey on family Thanksgiving Zoom meeting raises hand when woman on laptop asks who suggested online get together.
Therapist asks baby at couples counseling if thinks mother wants to change him.
Goat kid trick or treating on Halloween is happy for empty candy wrappers treats.
Trick-o-treating godzilla monsters trade nerdy people for dummies.
Ghost parent catches sneaky spirit kid with clear belly full of Halloween candies.
Godzilla parent destroying city tells child asking to eat building “no more suites.”
Witch moms having coffee watch witch girls playing floor is water game jump on living room furniture.
Witch grocery shops for creepy witches’ boys ‘n’ berry pie in supermarket freezer.
Telecommuting dad on computer shushes noisy son Mike not muted interrupting online video work meeting.
Future reporter boy pulls farting old man’s finger getting “Pull-It Surprise” Pulitzer Prize.
Mom on computer shopping Back -To-School clothing sale website sees pants discontinued as son does remote learning in underwear.
Parents, kid and dog think what miss since covid-19 shutdowns months ago, getting hair cut, manicures, movie theaters, sniffing butts.