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Sick turkey visits the doctor feeling stuffed up and wondering if it's going to get worse, while the doctor grabs box of stuffing.
One pumpkin tells another that he is going to have an open mind about a Halloween Jack O' Lantern stuff while someone wields a knife nearby.
Daughter tells Mom she is making a ballerina costume for Halloween out of an old, white dress (Wedding Gown) she found in back of Mom's closet.
Child asks mom how Santa will get in house since they have no chimney, Santa is on the roof with an axe.
Santa is upset because it is Christmas Eve, and he has a flat, the flat is a deflated reindeer.
Mom worried about son, Joey, because he just got done sitting on Count Santa's lap, he looks pale, nervous, and something is wrong with neck.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall are lying on the floor beaten up by Mortimer because he loved decking the halls for the holidays.
Cat dining in restaurant orders Christmas special, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge, but hold the pear tree.
Man preparing to kill turkey for Thanksgiving yells at turkey to come back, he can't fly, but turkey has lots of incentive to fly away.
Young person is thankful that he is not the PR person for Anthrax band.
Person shortens new year's resolutions to simply be more like George Harrison.
The elves show Santa an advanced surveillance operation to keep track of who's naughty.