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You searched for: therapy

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  • Therapist falls asleep while patient describes long dream.
  • Bowling ball therapist hopes to take care of bowling pins that are split.
  • Bird husband wants to mate for life but with multiple females.
  • Fourth of July fireworks trigger Wile E. Coyote's memories of dynamite explosions.
  • While being pinned by gazelle, jaguar asks therapist to move up session.
  • Easter Bunny's massage, just like eating a chocolate bunny, starts with the ears.
  • Dog takes inkblot test and all look like food.
  • Hockey player talks to therapist in penalty box during his five minutes.
  • Asked by therapist if there's any magic left in relations, wife says husband disappears for days.
  • Therapist asks pillow to tell more about its cold side.
  • Computer couple seek help for attachment issues.
  • Therapy patient refuses to visualize because of speedo store customer.

You searched for: therapy