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You searched for: pee

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  • Crash test dummy dog has accident at crash test dummies' home.
  • Man with poor aim in darts wants to use bathroom.
  • Man rips pages out of puppy training book to protect carpet.
  • Sign on highway tells moms where last restroom really is.
  • Trojans sneak out of the wooden horse at night to use the men's room.
  • Cat tells golfer he might want to avoid sand trap as it just used the trap as a litter box.
  • The pool bathrooms have been locked all day, but no one complained because they were peeing in the pool.
  • A dog tells accountant to deduct the cost of "doing business" on his taxes.
  • A woman names her dog Haste because he's always making waste.
  • Art that looks like restroom signs has affect on people by making them run to bathroom.
  • Family dog gives family cat a sweater to befoul as a Christmas gift, instead of chewing it himself.
  • Dissolving lemon drops in Ted's pocket turn water yellow, making it look like he peed in the pool.

You searched for: pee