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You searched for: murder

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  • Witches in the inner city are killing each other by shooting each other with water as they fly by on brooms.
  • A news anchor reports that the farmer's wife has been arrested for killing three blind mice.
  • A candlemaker is trapped in a tub in the ocean with a butcher and a baker, who conspire to eat him.
  • A lawyer defends his client by claiming he had to murder his wife because she was a morning person.
  • A lawyer accuses Gumby of killing Pokey.
  • A man forgets to deactivate the kill switch in his car, so it tries to stab him.
  • The cartoon lists TV spinoffs that never caught on.
  • A woman being interviewed about a mime who committed murder says he was a quiet man.
  • A marshmallow tells a ghost story about a Boy Scout.
  • A James Bond villain sets up a ridiculous machine of death.
  • A man dies because he throws out half his wife's clothes.
  • Snap snaps and kills Crackle and Pop.

You searched for: murder