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You searched for: lawyer

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A shark sues the business that gave the people it ate fast food.
  • A surgeon leaves Sponge Bob in one of his patients.
  • Adam is in court being charged with nepotism.
  • A sports star gets an endorsement deal with Ace Bandage company.
  • Mother Nature is in court, suing for parent infringement.
  • A dog needs to work on his body language when pleading not guilty.
  • Santa has some questionable accounting practices.
  • A man is convicted of faking an injury, but then walks on a banana peel.
  • A judge rules that photos don't do the plaintiff justice.
  • The Introduction to Law professor has his class help him get out of a speeding ticket.
  • Mr. Bubble's assets are divided among his surviving airs.
  • Dominic go to court to show the pink slip he got was actually mauve.

You searched for: lawyer