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You searched for: injuries

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  • A sports star gets an endorsement deal with Ace Bandage company.
  • A cat gets carpal tunnel for holding onto a mouse too long.
  • Spending a few minutes in New England can alleviate neck pain.
  • A cat goes after the drawstring on its owner's pajamas.
  • The bleeping pushing man for 'The Osbournes' sees a doctor for a repetitive stress injury.
  • Humpty Dumpty realizes he has nothing to fall back on when his career ends.
  • Even with nets, there is still a hazard of flying teeth in hockey.
  • The Donder party finishes the last candy cane.
  • A caf' sells bottomless cups of coffee.
  • A man is convicted of faking an injury, but then walks on a banana peel.
  • Cal Ripken gets injured on his way to receive his 'No Injury' award.
  • A cat makes a nice swing at a leg, then needs to replace its divots.

You searched for: injuries