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You searched for: excited

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A bee gets a honeycomb cubicle in the corner.
  • Distracted by intelligence test app, man walks off cliff.
  • On opposite day owner's cat greets him while dog apathetically naps.
  • Explorers distracted by water buffalo overlook air buffalo above them.
  • A dog gets excited when he hears the word "walk" in boardwalk while playing Monopoly.
  • Dog's wagging tail gives it away that he's interested in approaching poodle.
  • Fremont fails audition for "Angry Birds" because he is too happy.
  • Doctor's delivery makes couple laugh when their baby has Groucho Marx glasses.
  • Dog likens owner's return home to being rescued from a deserted island.
  • Saleswoman targets Spongebob's complexion for pore concealer.
  • Curiosity is a killer app for cat's smartphone.
  • Crowd surfer sees a shark heading his way.

You searched for: excited