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You searched for: defense

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • An ugly cartoon sues a cartoonist for drawing him badly.
  • A lawyer shows a picture of a baby climbing over his baby gate in the "Babygate Trial."
  • A hot dog asks if he can put three little holes in a witness before grilling him.
  • A messed-up Mr. Potatohead sues the company that irradiated him.
  • Cowboy movie characters realize the town actually is big enough for both of them.
  • A fruit lawyer says his client is entitled to a jury of pears.
  • Papa Bear sues Mama Bear.
  • Tuna fish wear dolphin costumes to avoid getting fished.
  • The library sues a bookkeeper for not returning his books.
  • A porcupine acupuncturist loses his needles in his patient's quills.
  • Frosty the Snowman wants to sue a restaurant for giving him hot coffee instead of iced.
  • A lawyer claims god is partially responsible for a woman's car crash because she had a God is My Co-Pilot bumper sticker.

You searched for: defense