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You searched for: children story

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  • Sam I Am realizes she's transgender and changes her name to Samantha I Am.
  • Snow White eats a poisoned apple, but her husband wants to wait until after the game to take her to the hospital.
  • The Big Bad Wolf breaks his natural diet when he eats Little Red Riding Hood's grandma.
  • Miss Muffett starts looking for a date in a bar, but something creepy sits down next to her.
  • Papa Bear sues Mama Bear.
  • Sam I Am has multiple personality disorder and carries a sign saying Sam We Are.
  • Jack's doctor asks him if his parents have considered getting indoor plumbing.
  • The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe now lives in a Nike sneaker.
  • Dr. Seuss tried a lot of failed options before coming up with the Cat in the Hat.
  • Lice watch Rapunzel at a stag party.
  • Rapunzel cuts her hair off and leaves knights to climb it.
  • Jack eats the magic beans after his mom throws them out the window.

You searched for: children story