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You searched for: audience

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Ranchers observe what appears to be a bunch of prairie dogs doing the stadium wave.
  • A band without electronic hand claps cannot clap their hands the old-fashioned way.
  • Baseball player is kept when caught by baseball sports fan according to the rules.
  • A new sports fan can't figure out what other fans are pointing at with their foam fingers.
  • Fly fan at concert thinks that singer is giving fan the compound eye.
  • While performing Freebird, the singer decides to donate a turkey to the food bank.
  • Judge thought the person on trial in court was innocent, but the people at home voted him guilty.
  • Baseball player, Boo Watabum can't tell if the fans are cheering or jeering him because of his name.
  • First day on job doesn't go well.
  • The audience boos at the play done by ghosts.
  • Zeus and Hera talk about their marriage on Jerry Springer.
  • Usually a woman's cats hiss, but they boo at her date.

You searched for: audience