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You searched for: asleep

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  • A mouse looks online to see what the cat will be doing at different hours.
  • A kid gives the monster under his bed a smartphone so he will be safe.
  • A man with OCD can't sleep because he imagined too many sheep and how he has to count them all.
  • Sheep suggests having sex rather than counting sheep as a sleep aid.
  • Cat didn't realize he could be sleeping during walking.
  • Therapist falls asleep while patient describes long dream.
  • Laptop sneaks in carefully as he doesn't want his wife to wake up at his touch.
  • Hypnotist cures husband from talking in sleep, but wife wants hypnotist to cure husband of talking while awake.
  • A cat therapist is going to hypnotize his client, but he's already asleep.
  • An autumn leaf has a dream about falling out of the tree.
  • Janet's sleep comforter does a horrible job comforting her.
  • The giant eye above the ophthalmologist's door is closed at night.

You searched for: asleep