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You searched for: tooth

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A new toothbrush camera shows if you really brushed your teeth.
  • A dog has a choice of dentures to pick from.
  • Scientists genetically engineer an apple to keep the doctor and others away.
  • A dentist has a sign that says "NEDK'" asking if there's any decay.
  • A dentist is out of laughing gas, so he uses a stand-up comedian.
  • A monster squeezes a building like a tube of toothpaste.
  • An old man's mood dentures turn orange because he's feeling flirty.
  • Four out of five dentists recommend Gumby be sugarless.
  • A man has bad posture because he never took off the lead apron from the dentist.
  • A snowman can have its smile fixed with surgery, or by just moving the buttons.
  • A dentist uses fillings with Bon Bon repellent in them.
  • A future orthodontist fixes a snowman's smile, then takes an arm and a leg.

You searched for: tooth