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Telecommuting dad on computer shushes noisy son Mike not muted interrupting online video work meeting.
Future reporter boy pulls farting old man’s finger getting “Pull-It Surprise” Pulitzer Prize.
Mom on computer shopping Back -To-School clothing sale website sees pants discontinued as son does remote learning in underwear.
Parents, kid and dog think what miss since covid-19 shutdowns months ago, getting hair cut, manicures, movie theaters, sniffing butts.
Excited bed frame and mattress on computer discovers it is a twin on genealogy website.
Disappointed family sees fireworks cancelled on computer website but cat and dog dance for joy.
Appalled frankfurter on laptop is upset by long list of gross hot dog ingredient match results.
Man asks Spider-Man which newborn baby in hospital bassinets is his as infant climbs ceiling.
Telecommuting dad working on computer with kid, pets, dishes and laundry distractions can’t finish finis.
Baby Godzilla gives monster mom smashed florist building for Mother’s Day
Biker with moms heart tattoo has Mother’s Day brunch with two mothers same sex couple parents.
Medusa’s hair snakes pull away from another off her head in early social distancing.