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Boy thinks about his day, which included eating spaghetti, playing games, cleaning his room, and shaving the cat, and wonders why his mom punished him.
At a doggie dinner party, one dog agrees to a helping of cat because he is cutting down on saturated cats, rather than saturated fats.
Veterinarian tells Sparky the dog to calm down and let Fluffy the cat go, and maybe they will call of the neutering.
Fly on his way to a stress reduction training seminar narrowly escapes death by a flyswatter, a frog, a spider, a cat, and bug spray.
Cat's conscience, a devil cat and an angel cat, both encourage cat to jump on counter and snatch the unguarded fish fillet.
There is nothing like the sound of child's voice for woman, can opener for cat, tree falling for beaver, and "Ow, my thumb!" for hammer.
One cat thinks the other cat is a bathroom hog because he is sitting in the sand box building a sand castle.
Cat ponders where to hack up the next hairball - either the couch or the carpet, but definitely not the linoleum.
Giraffe runs away from three lions left holding his Velcro spots in their paws and mouths.
Woman explains her half cat-half reptile pet because her lease only allowed one pet, so she and Jim compromised by having their pets combined.
Police officer suspects a copy-cat killing when he finds a dead feline on a copy machine with copies of the cat laying on the floor.
Girl's dog and cats sitting with her friend, she tells friend her pets love her, friend says she wants to be veterinarian, pets run away.