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A man accidentally drains the sun by leaving his solar calculator on.
A computer needs to expand his memory to be compatible with his wife.
Cats think the power button on the answering machine is marked that because turning it off gives them power.
A man is surprised that a store has a lifetime guarantee, but his life is about to end.
A new phone technology makes you sound like you're sick when you call in sick.
A Native American recieves smoke signals by fax.
A wolf thinks 3 megabytes of RAM is like three bites out of a ram.
Woman busily typing on a computer accidentally deletes a file, and she reacts with anger by chopping the computer with an ax.
Wife tells husband, Albert, that expandability is a good feature for computers, not husbands, just as he has his mouth open extremely wide to eat an entire piece of cake.
The Earth, surrounded by satellites in space, says that he feels like he's being watched.
Husband faxes wife dirty diaper and asks for clean one in return because he doesn't know how to change the baby's diaper.
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