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You searched for: television

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • South Pork is a show like South Park, but about pigs.
  • A crash test dummy watches a TV show called Braking Bad.
  • Zombies watching The Walking Dead feel bad because they don't exercise enough.
  • The Pillsbury Dough Boy is jealous of the shark costumes in Yellow Submarine.
  • Batman and Superman play a flight simulator game.
  • Doctors switch between game and patient's vitals on monitor.
  • Rather than "Live long and prosper," angry Mr. Spock reverses his motto.
  • Cat owner can have nice furniture because cat virtually claws sofa with video game.
  • Children give dad old VCR remote as a controller so he thinks he's playing.
  • After drinking, Spongebob squeezes himself dry to sober up.
  • Out of ideas, John Quinones asks people why they didn't bless stranger after sneezing.
  • Cousin It applies for I.T. job opening.

You searched for: television