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You searched for: overweight

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  • Godzilla eats the Hasbro toy factory and thinks he shouldn't be yo-yo dieting.
  • A man notices a bookstore's huge rear section because he sees the stockwoman's large butt.
  • Scotty gets rid of Star Trek tribbles by eating them.
  • Alice throws the looking glass so she can eat things that make her larger without feeling bad.
  • Wonder Woman uses her magic truth lasso to get her husband to tell her whether her dress makes her look fat.
  • Punxsutawney Phil's wife makes fun of the size of his butt.
  • A piece of rice retains water.
  • George Washington lies and tells his wife she doesn't look fat in her dress.
  • People get turned into paint thinner.
  • A pig maintains his potbelly by drinking lots of beer.
  • Everyone runs away from a man who's been sucking in his belly for 45 minutes because it's about to explode.
  • The Cookie Monster cheats on his diet by eating asparagus.

You searched for: overweight