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You searched for: mental health

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  • Godzilla's therapist asks about his mothra.
  • Charlie Brown has good grief.
  • A snowman meets Rainman, who tells him how many snowflakes he's made of.
  • A man has a dream every night that a stinky fish is crushing his chest, but actually his cat is sitting on his chest and breathing on his face.
  • Santa goes to his therapist and says he sees naughty people.
  • The emperor gets closure when he realizes that he likes being naked.
  • A man listens at his closet to find out what his clothes say about him.
  • After therapy, Angry Birds become normal birds.
  • A bouncer refuses to let Eeyore, Charlie Brown, and Droopy into Happy Hour.
  • A snake is sad because she was going to eat eggs but the nest was empty.
  • Rabbits go to couples therapy because one of them wants 96 children and the other wants 238.
  • A beefeater reveals that he's actually a vegetarian.

You searched for: mental health