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You searched for: godzilla

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  • Godzilla returns his ice cream cone because he ordered a person with a double chin.
  • Godzillas go bobbing for men named Bob on Halloween.
  • A baby Godzilla is jealous of his brother because his slice of the pie bakery has fewer people in it.
  • Godzilla gets writer's cramp after eating Stephen King.
  • Godzilla's mom lights the top of a cake factory on fire for his birthday.
  • Godzilla gets a stud in his nose when he eats a gym.
  • Godzilla eats Garth Brooks and gets his hat stuck in his throat.
  • Godzilla eats a Starbucks and then gets coffee jitters.
  • Godzilla plays virtual reality games about stepping on buildings.
  • Godzilla stops his friend from eating a salt truck because he appreciates salted roads.
  • Godzilla rubs blimps on himself to stick them to the side of buildings with static electricity.
  • Godzilla gets a spinach truck stuck in his teeth.

You searched for: godzilla