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You searched for: defense

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  • The Big Bad Wolf brings J.K. Rowling to court on trademark infringement.
  • A boy has a backpack full of fists to keep bullies away.
  • The doughboy sues for harassment after a pinch of flour is taken out of him.
  • The Big Bad Wolf confesses to support his huff, puff, and blow habits.
  • A fish is found guilty at a trial, but the judge sets him free.
  • Emeril Lagasse is sued for trademark infringement.
  • A man messes up his trial by asking the judge if anyone has ever compared his robes to a dress.
  • Judges are actually playing Whack-a-Lawyer when they bang their gavels.
  • A lawyer wants his penguin client to be released because he won't fly away.
  • Ducks sue a duck-billed platypus for infringing on their genetic patent.
  • A judge secures witnesses by putting them under an oaf.
  • Flowers paint a rock to look like the grass around it so they can avoid the mower.

You searched for: defense