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You searched for: butts

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A dog tells a cat that he's wagging his tail, not twerking.
  • Grover's pet peeve is cold hands.
  • A mom threatens to post her son's baby photos on Facebook if he doesn't call her more often.
  • An alien calls another alien with a hand that comes out of its butt.
  • A man gets so carried away decorating his house that he puts a wreath on the toilet seat.
  • A dog has a cone on his butt because he had surgery there.
  • Father turkey doesn't believe in investing so he's been stuffing money.
  • A woman doesn't like her husband's light-up pants.
  • Shark won't eat butt because he is on a gluteus-free diet.
  • Cheshire Cat shows front side or back side depending on his mood.
  • Glass Bottom Boat shows off her bare bottom.
  • Short dog needs ladder to reach tall dog's butt to give him proper greeting.

You searched for: butts