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You searched for: audience

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  • Man's mom Twitters about how long it's been since he called her.
  • Groundhog gets over his shadow fears and performs in front of audience.
  • Faye realizes the Columbus, Ohio costume she made for her son was misguided.
  • Crowd surfer sees a shark heading his way.
  • Humpty Dumpty's shell gets cracked by an inside pitch while at bat.
  • Conductor becomes disoriented by audience member phones ringing.
  • Snowflake screams at movie screen as snowflake is about to land on tongue.
  • Presenter to an audience of cell phones is distracted by all the phones that vibrate.
  • Lemons watch movie with plot twist.
  • Bailiff thinks his job includes warming up crowd with courtroom comedy.
  • Man fantasizes roles at empty desk prior to Internet invention.
  • Before lecture on Always Stay Connected, speaker asks audience to turn off cell phones.

You searched for: audience