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You searched for: ate

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  • Female preying mantis on date runs into decapitated ex-husband in uncomfortable meeting.
  • Pet owner waitstaff asks finicky cat if it is still ignoring dinner plate served at table.
  • Mansplaining man tells lady vegetable salad actually fruits, wonders why rejected second date.
  • Rebellious fruit fly fries bacon, commoner monarch butterfly watches TV, stag beetles dating & spelling bee misspells insect.
  • Man in monster destroyed city disgusted Zilla chewing with mouth open person named Gary.
  • Suspicious cat says to check pet treats for medicine but clueless dog swallows it ignoring advice.
  • Gambling birds play birdseed feeder slot machines winning seed food jackpots.
  • Dogs couple girlfriend wonders if boyfriend loves her or treats in her coat pockets.
  • Therapist asks dog in therapy with food dish if true he complains it’s never enough.
  • Kitty therapist asks cats couple shaking treats bag how got partner to follow to therapy.
  • No nose snowman says he smells terrible bad breath after dog steals carrot.
  • Greek myth Medusa & hair snakes eat full carton of 12 eggs for breakfasts.

You searched for: ate