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You searched for: asleep

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  • Wife complains to therapist her ipad husband falls asleep unless she is touching him.
  • It is difficult to work from home when cats sleep on you and your desk.
  • Instead of counting backwards, anesthesiologists have patients read itunes terms and conditions.
  • Grumpy cat's nightmare is everyone else's happy dream.
  • Woman asked to identify from line up who watched her while she slept.
  • Cat wonders why it's a big deal to use pic of owner sleeping as profile pic since she does the same.
  • On audio tour, stolen artwork is referenced as "The Napping Security Guard" piece.
  • A bat has to sleep right-side up because he broke his legs.
  • A man has a dream every night that a stinky fish is crushing his chest, but actually his cat is sitting on his chest and breathing on his face.

You searched for: asleep