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You searched for: teacher

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  • Monsters learn how to go bump in the night.
  • A teacher tries to take the day off by displaying an image of herself at her desk on the smartboard.
  • Toddlers are asked to turn off cell phones at day care.
  • With pride for preparing students, a teacher has a classroom of students with cubicle office desks.
  • Teacher questions student not reading as the student waits for the book's images to load.
  • Guru asks fellow guru for help picking ring tone: a tree falling in the forest or one hand clapping.
  • Philosophy teacher claims time is an illusion but says student is late.
  • Kid admires the broccoli and zucchini eating woodchuck from the garden in his classroom report.
  • A substitute courtroom judge calls for order in a courtroom laden with disorder.
  • Toddlers tell day care worker about guilt points, crying as parents leave the toddlers at day care.
  • School teachers discuss heavy backpacks that lead to school producing the best sherpas.
  • Student's science fair project on gravity succeeds in defying physics at the school fair.

You searched for: teacher