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You searched for: cinema

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  • Praying mantis couple go to movies, male doesn't want to see "Eat His Brain"' chick flick.
  • Sandwiches in movie theatre squirm watching The Open Faced Sandwich horror movie.
  • Romantic movie works as great tenderizer for meat.
  • Interviewed by talk show fly, a moth drawn to the light is asked if it is drawn to the spotlight.
  • Candy audience watching a movie is frightened when during Halloween candy is picked to give to a child.
  • Fava beans protest outside a showing of Silence of the Lambs.
  • Rain, rain, go away, ring around the rosy, and pat-a-cake updated.
  • Shoes go to watch "The Shining."
  • Green Giants watch Princess and the Pea 2: Revenge of the Pea
  • Proud parent watch baby playing as entertainment.
  • Christmas ornaments watch a movie called Nightmare Before Christmas where a cat bats at an ornament.
  • The favorite songs of some TV and movie celebrity icons.

You searched for: cinema