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You searched for: bird

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  • Turkey with cellphone weather app thinks 350 degree Thursday forecast can’t be right.
  • Turkey eating Thanksgiving dinner with other turkeys says making the stuffing himself was uncomfortable.
  • Bird couple dumps out Ikea box of complicated twig pieces to assemble nest in tree.
  • Scary turkey with baster silhouetted in window in Baste Motel parody of Hitchcock’s movie Psycho.
  • Crow flying over squished snake roadkill invites other crow on a long lunch.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex evolves to bird photo on cellphone aging app.
  • Cat psychologist suggests hot bath with peas and carrots for stressed bird therapy patient.
  • Cat by empty fishbowl and birdcage wonders why owner is upset when she always talks about eating locally.
  • Shopper birds pushing grocery carts catch worms at Whole Foods parody supermarket.
  • Peacock thinks peacock on smartphone with emojis feathers spends too much time on internet.
  • Bird with chick poops on man going to work with kid on Take Your Child To Work Day.
  • Hen wife in couple’s therapy with rooster husband says just once she’d like to sleep late.

You searched for: bird