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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Kitty lectures cat audience on unproven cardboard box shape planet theories.
Anxious devil in therapy says people are always just speaking of him when he enters rooms.
Reborn loaf teaches ripe bananas audience freezer banana bread reincarnation miracle.
Christmas lights motivational speaker teaches colored lightbulbs are all connected together by electric wire.
Old man performs loud intestinal issue smartphone conversation one man show onstage to audience.
Cat audience applauds hibernating bears doing nothing for months at a time presentation.
Fairy tale Jack & the Bean Stalk character talks with bean seeds explaining we’re all magic when we grow.
Service dog in clothes store says awful shirt is tacky helping fashion taste impaired owner pick stylish apparel choices.
British man on laptop in England clicks accept biscuits instead of American website cookies version in United States.
Obese squirrel expert teaches Ted Talks lesson on best bird feeders.
Sad Jack Frost can’t nip noses covered by Covid face masks as The Christmas Song music plays.
Wah-wah voice teacher from Shultz’s Charlie Brown cartoon gets summer job at fast food restaurant drive thru speaker.