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Snow White dwarf Grumpy on Iphone shows awful current events website to Disney’s & all their faces turn grumpy.
Angry Disney’s Grumpy Dwarf in counseling complains everyone thinks he’s one dimensional but he’s annoyed, cranky, irritable, fed up…
Groggy cat wearing bathrobe has “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my catnip” morning coffee cup.
Grumpy man at seashore criticizes cold ocean waves in negative reviews.
Tired woman drinks coffee by stormy window, view changes to positive unicorn & rainbow, woman sad but coping.
Rude Lobster menu has angry crabs and steamed clams attacking diner in Red Lobster restaurants spoof.
Turtle asks turtle with head and legs in wrong shell holes if it got up on the wrong side of the bed.
Grouchy cat boss knocks telecommuting owner’s paperwork off desk in harsh performance review.
Man asks President Garfield’s empty desk in White House Oval Office what he thinks of Mondays.
The original GPS was actually a grumpy pointing spouse giving directions.
Grumpy cat's nightmare is everyone else's happy dream.
The Helping Hand's brother is an unhelpful hand making an obscene gesture.