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Embarrassed firefly’s stinky fart gas glows & grosses out bugs.
Trees at party say not to mention bald branches guest’s embarrassing electric lines hair pruning.
Person walking at night says he likes seeing inside house windows, worrying embarrassed tortoise naked in shell home.
4th of July firecracker party guest’s embarrassing explosive mess destroys restroom toilet.
Fourth of July firework party guest impressed embarrassed firework whistles but not from it’s mouth.
Embarrassed bed pillow dreams it’s pillow case falls off onstage & is naked before pillows audience.
Freezing cold guy drops pants in public exposing underwear embarrassing self to warm up.
Pet owner walks in awkward chair squat to appointment with kitty asleep on lap.
Sprinkle doughnut at party humiliated by embarrassing bathroom accident mess on floor.
Monster Halloween party guests know wasted Frankenstien drank too much when he laughed his ass off on floor.
Self conscious polluted planet on smartphone thinks flattering Earth Day pictures posted online are nice.
Autocorrected St. Patrick’s Day texts change shamrock to shame rock, green beer recycling bear, chocolate pot not of gold & St. party trick card tricks saint.