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You searched for: money

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  • Successful vendor outside presidential election polls sells stress relief squeeze balls to stressed voters.
  • Boat captain tells scared scuba diver singing shark guitarist is busking shark.
  • Underpaid dog cheated by owner’s half biscuit reward disappointed it earns less than minimum wage.
  • Whale taxes accountant asks shark covered in clinging fish if has any dependents.
  • Piggy bank says gesundheit to ill pig who sneezed coin slot money shot into ceiling above.
  • Shaving company complains bearded Santa Claus hired to promote razors but contract didn’t say shave face.
  • Couples counselor says it’s great kid filled piggy bank dad & money full Russian nesting doll couple switched traditional family roles.
  • Greedy King Midas jumps in swimming pool, belly flops painfully on hard golden metal water.
  • Autocorrected texts change desserts chocolate cake to cape clothing, criminal crème brulée robber, snoring s’more & itchy rash ice cream.
  • Big ornaments conspiracy pays sneaky kitty to break Xmas decorations.
  • Professional CPA taxes dog in suit has chew & retrieve toy office desk trays to organize dogs financial accounting files.
  • Naked stripping mattress has money stuffed under sexy underwear butt by mattresses audience.

You searched for: money