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You searched for: waiting room

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Turkey reading newspaper is insulted by old man’s complaint about his wrinkled throat skin.
  • Medusa waits for veterinarian with pet snakes hairs in Elizabethan collars.
  • In fish hospital emergency room, fish thought hook was swing and has worse injury.
  • Patients diagnose themselves in the self-service section of doctor's office.
  • Edward Scissorhands, Wolverine, and Freddy Kruger all show up for manicures.
  • Frankenstein sees a chiropractor because his neck isn't on straight.
  • Angels have to wait to get their wings because phones beep instead of ringing.
  • A dog warns a puppy that he'll never view thermometers the same way again after the vet.
  • Gumby sits in the waiting room of a gum disease specialist.
  • A doctor makes a mom wait so long for an appointment that her son grows into an adult.
  • A psychologist has his patients take a number.
  • A cartoon character's new baby has 10 fingers and 10 toes.

You searched for: waiting room