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You searched for: threatened

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Martian’s happy cat tail research mix up gets smelly skunk spray.
  • Both underwater scuba diver people and threatened shark predators warn each other they are killing machine species.
  • Clueless ocean wildlife researcher says GPS location tag sharks don’t realize being tracked & uses smartphone info tracking internet technology.
  • Self-conscious singular dice at party unsure if die welcoming board game pieces are friends or threatening death.
  • Scientist warns cartoon speech bubbles polluting planet’s atmosphere released by talking.
  • Therapist asks upset alligator in counseling why saying “see you later” is threatening.
  • Magazine kidnappers mail threatening letter written in cut paper letters of abducted victim.
  • A bat tells another bat that he'll open a can of whoop-head on him.
  • Chameleon son fakes holding his breath and turns blue to get his mother's attention.
  • Cat worried as girl reads the Cat in the Hat.
  • A vampire and his girlfriend, who has a sunny disposition, see a psychiatrist.
  • The Feline House of Horrors presents cats with their worst fears.

You searched for: threatened