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You searched for: superman

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Superhero men sit legs spread wide apart at super spreader event barbecue.
  • Superman’s too strong Heimlich Maneuver pops choking man’s bones out mouth shocking restaurant diners.
  • Young Clark Kent hits piñata treats straight into space.
  • Superfish flies out of the water up onto land.
  • Superman uses his x-ray vision to pick all the caramels out of the candy box.
  • Godzilla goes to relationship counseling with Lois Lane.
  • Batman and Superman play a flight simulator game.
  • Unable to be pierced, Superman asks woman what it's like to have body piercings.
  • Superman, Spider-man, and Batman reveal what songs they listen to.
  • Superman's son inherited his x-ray vision and sees pink underwear.
  • Helping Habitat for Humanity makes each worker feel like a superhero.

You searched for: superman