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You searched for: saleswomen

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Saleswoman targets Spongebob's complexion for pore concealer.
  • Man in suit at store mirror shopping is told by saleswoman his suit accentuates his wallet.
  • A man turns down a home alarm salesman because his dog is already a motion detector.
  • A customer calls himself an idiot and the cashier agrees with him because the store's policy is that the customer is always right.
  • A dog buys a bed that spins around for him.
  • A fish funeral director sells a fish widow toliet coffins.
  • A cat sells another cat a mattress, saying it's a deal because she spends so much time sleeping.
  • A company dangles carrot cake instead of a carrot in front of a woman to get her to perform better.
  • Fish find an apartment with space, bedrooms, and anemones.
  • A woman asks a saleswoman to talk her into buying a dress.
  • Man lying on floor in Bakery World, "Where You Get the Attention You Deserve," with pie in his face, employee tells co-worker he deserved it.

You searched for: saleswomen