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You searched for: population

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  • Diverse flavored yogurts group gathers in inclusive multi-cultural community center.
  • 51% of the population is thinking that they wish they had some dental floss.
  • Overpopulation of Earth is compared to man taking up too much seating space on subway.
  • Heaven gets crowded, so the angels might have to update their cloud storage.
  • Global warming makes all of the bears' porridge hot when Goldiocks tries them.
  • Star uses telescope to view person in workplace cubicle for a person named after it.
  • A mom complains that a kid is trashing her home, but outside everyone is polluting the earth.
  • Trying to pay the vet bill online.
  • Dodos go extinct on Noah's Arc because one of them believes in zero population growth.
  • A lazy cat dad puts a sign for free kittens out in his yard.
  • Earth does a comb over to cover ozone hole in atmosphere.

You searched for: population